Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC")
At Seitles & Litwin, we represent high-profile foreign nationals who are seeking removal from the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) List. We have negotiated unprecedented agreements for our clients that include removal from the OFAC List as Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers (SDNTs).
OFAC enforces and sanctions United States companies and individuals from doing business with those engaged in terrorism, drug dealing, international drug trafficking, and in the proliferation of weapons. Additionally, OFAC lists individuals and groups such as narcotics traffickers, terrorists, and individuals accused of money laundering and dealing in illegal weapons as Specially Designated Nationals (SDNs). This designation can lead to freezing their assets and preventing them from opening bank accounts, obtaining credit cards, and even health insurance.
At Seitles & Litwin, we have extensive experience in preventing our clients from remaining on OFAC’s SDNT or SDN lists. Here are just some of the individuals and corporations Seitles & Litwin have successfully removed as SDNTs from the OFAC list:
- Flor de Maria Sanclemente Bedoya
- Andres Felipe Roa Gutierrez
- Jorge Alberto Rodriguez Herrera
- Adriana Santacoloma Hoyos
- Adriana Gruesso Hurtado
- Gladys Miriam Ramirez Libreros
- Carolina Rodriguez Arbelaez
- Haydee Rodriguez de Rojas
- Miguel Andres Rodriguez Moreno
- Juan Pablo Rodriguez Moreno