Carlos Antonio Ortega Bonilla was charged in a multi co-defendant indictment accused of coordinating airplane flights to import cocaine from Colombia to the United States. Mr. Ortega Bonilla was the former head of the Colombian Aeronautic Civil, and a whistleblower who condemned Colombia’s aviation safety standards. With the assistance of former customs agent Edward Kacerosky, Mr. Seitles was able to prove that the audio recordings detailing the plane shipments of cocaine involved another co-conspirator named “Carlos.” In addition, the defense team provided the government with the sales documents of one of the planes which identified the actual Carlos who was involved in the narcotics conspiracy. Indeed this was a target that the government was aware of but confused with Ortega Bonilla. After realizing their mistake, and that Mr. Ortega Bonilla was actually innocent, the government moved to dismiss the indictment they had on him.
The Judge dismissed all criminal charges against Mr. Ortega Bonilla.